What is going on with all these young parents? They often can't relax very well anymore. When and how then? I can almost hear you thinking. It seems like the new brain connections that are made after parenthood, combined with a lack of time (and sometimes money) and energy, means that parents are sometimes a bit searching for how to find their rest and relaxation.

There is an entire branch in Sociology that focuses on "leisure. In the Netherlands, there is also the subject Vrijetijdskunde. But what is fun to do? Why is free time important? And do parents actually have 'Free Time'?

 'Hobbies' are psychologically important.

They contribute in shaping our identity. Professor Dr. Bob Stebbins says that when we get good at a hobby-something we enjoy doing in our free time, whether that's winterizing the garden, stamping potatoes, playing tennis or kite surfing-we renew our identity a bit and that gives a lot of positive energy. Some say that hobbies are getting a little eaten up by Netflix and chill, but for the sake of convenience, let's just label that as a new passive hobby. And that we are getting very good at binge-watching. I am, anyway.

Welcome parenthood, hello new hobbies!

After parenthood, rather than dumping our old hobbies, we start looking for alternatives. Something that fits alongside family life. Instead of playing soccer 3 times a week, become a soccer coach. We are also going to redefine things. Comedian Louis C.K. calls the moment you close the car door and walk quietly around the car to unhook your child's maxi-cosi a mini-vacation. Recognizable? Likewise, showering, or even a long toilet visit can give you some head space. Provided your kids only let you sit on the toilet. And work. Work for some also becomes relaxation and at least a way to escape from the kids, the household and your partner (nothing wrong with that).

The new way of weekend "getaways."

A new trend among parents is also to no longer always do a weekend in Paris to "recharge" without the kids, but to do nothing at all for a weekend at home -kids with grandparents. Netflix and chill. Reading books. Drinking just a little too much wine. Making love. Eating out, going to a restaurant 2 blocks away. Sleeping out. Babbling.

The cliché is and remains true.

Anyway: we all need relaxation. No matter how difficult the circumstances are. And how limited your options are in terms of time or money. Find a moment somewhere to expand your identity, feel good about something, overcome something or learn something. It energizes, relaxes, resets the senses and you forget about daily to-do lists for a while. After all, doing something for yourself can also be good for the rest of the family.

Parents Inc. helps reinvent relaxation.

At Parents Inc. we let parents have their own conversation about what helps promote relaxation for them. We also mention the solutions that most parents come up with. We also make it very easy for parents to organize relaxation. So we answer the question "Relax? How and when then?"

Enter your zip code and see if you can take the course for free (worth 129.00).

More and more municipalities (49+) are finding it important for young parents to become kid-proof.

They provide free enrollment for all parents in their communities.

Enter your zip code and who knows, maybe you too can start for free.