



Here you will find all kinds of useful articles about parenthood, your baby or child or news articles about Parents Inc.

Healthy wrangling in the Tropics years

Okay. First, there is NOTHING wrong with arguing. Second, healthy arguing is actually very simple. But it is difficult. What's the trick? Drumroll.... on the hottest of [...]

What parenting can loosen up

Parenting can make memories and feelings of one's own childhood release. Past relationships shape present relationships. At times when we cannot [....]

Adultery in love

Sometimes one of the partners seeks support outside the relationship without the other's knowledge or approval. That can become problematic. Often cheating starts that way, too. Slowly, it happens that one [...]

Busy household and a baby

In general, household chores are greatly underestimated. It takes an enormous amount of time to run things properly in a family. It is not the most important thing to have a precise 50%-50% division [....]

The best (and simplest) relationship test

In our culture, there is this idea that if a relationship is "meant to be," it will work out well between two partners no matter what. But in reality, relationships evolve, partners change [...].

Sleep deprivation young parent

All couples with young children are sleep deprived. A lack of sleep means that emotions can quickly run high during discussions. This leads to partners saying ugly things to each other that they don't [...].

Tantrums and arguments in young parents

First, arguing is healthy. Couples with children argue on average 8 times more than couples without children. It is part of a relationship and especially a parent relationship (never arguing can be a [...]

Maternity tears and other emotions after birth

Whereas some parents experience maternity tears as a beautiful thing, others find it a bit irritating. After the birth of the first child, if the endorphins have worn off a bit, one may [....]

Arguing is part of parenthood

Relationships without conflict do not exist. If the balance in a relationship between negative and positive contact tips over to the negative then it can make life very difficult. It is especially important that [...]

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